Satha - A localStorage wrapper

Satha - A localStorage wrapper

This post serves as an introduction to Satha.

Satha. An easy to use localStorage wrapper inspired by state management systems.

This post serves as an introduction to Satha.


Install it from npm using

// npm
npm i @satha/core

// pnpm
pnpm add @satha/core

Create a local storage store

Here we will create a store to keep a numeric value let's call it "numberSave"

import { useStorage } from '@satha/core';

const numberSave = useStorage('number-save', 1);

This will create a localStorage entry

// localStorage name "satha-store-default"

"number-save": 1

useStorage comes with get method which can be used to get value.

// get value
const number = numberSave.get();


It also has a set method that takes a callback function as the only parameter. The callback will have a state which can be altered and returned.

// set value
numberSave.set((state) => state + 1);

If you are using sub links e.g. github pages then there is a possibility of local storage conflict. Add following code before initializing "useStorage"

import {
} from '@satha/core';

// use unique name for each site
createLocalStorage('satha-store-001', { defaultStorage: true });

// after this useStorage can be used

That's it for creating a simple localStorage entry.

want to dig deeper?

Checkout Satha homepage for advanced usage